Monday, December 28, 2009

Shelly and Nicole

Everyone, meet my new favorite sisters: Shelly and Nicole.

Shelly and Nicole

105mm @f/4, 1/200, ISO 200, EV+2/3

They approached me late in November with the idea of getting some pictures taken of them together to hand out to parents and grandparents at Christmas. Knowing both of them, I knew it would be fun and creative, so the plan was made.

Actually it was made 4 times.

An outdoor shoot was in the works, in a comfortable "everyday" setting for the 2 of them. With one off at college and the other finishing high school, schedules were hectic. Everytime we set a date, mother nature slapped right back with rain, clouds, and zero sunshine. Finally our chance came, a clear, crisp day 1 week before Christmas, (talk about a crunch!)

The girls met me at my house, and we started off with a few pictures around some trees, backlighting was my play at this time.

Shelly and Nicole

50mm @f/5.6, 1/200, ISO200, EV+5/3

Afterwards we headed to main street in Port Lavaca so get a more rustic/realistic/grungy feel in the pictures. We strolled around back alleys and corners, empty lots and down streets. They were both eager to see my ideas, and trustworthy that some of the crazy angles I was pulling off would turn out. I feel in love with the old brick patterns that were scattered around the street and used them to add a lot of texture to the pictures.

Shelly and Nicole

105mm @f/4, 1/500, ISO200, EV+2/3

They both took what little direction I had very well, and we a blast to hang around with for a few hours. They were easy going and had great ideas of what they wanted as well. They were a blast, and some of my favorite subjects to date.

Shelly and Nicole

105mm @f/4, 1/500, ISO200, EV+2/3

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